How Organizational Structure Influences Organizational Behavior

By | July 30, 2022

Organizational structure is the arrangement of the people in an organization. It can be a formal or informal hierarchy, or it can be a flat or matrix organization. So, how organizational structure influences organizational behavior. Let’s see!

How Organizational Structure Influences Organizational Behavior

Topics Discussed in This Article:

  • What is organizational behavior and what is it’s importance
  • Factors influencing organizational behavior
  • How organizational structure influences organizational behavior
  • Which is the best organizational structure
  • Impacts of organizational structure on organization performance

The organizational structure of an organization depends on the size, industry and type. The organizational structure also reflects how power is distributed in that particular organization.

A hierarchical organization structure has a clear chain of command with each person reporting to their manager. The managers report to the supervisors who report to the directors and so on up the chain.

A flat organization has no formal hierarchy and people are grouped together by function and skill set. There may be one person who has more say than others but there is no clear chain of command as in a hierarchical organization.

Matrix organizations have both horizontal and vertical hierarchies that intersect at different points. In this type of organizational structure, different people will report to different managers depending on what they are working on at that time.

What is Organizational Behavior and Why is it Important

Organizational behavior is a field of study that deals with the human aspects of organizations. It examines how individuals behave within an organization and how they are influenced by it.

Organizational behavior also studies how groups interact and influence each other in an organization, as well as how organizations interact with other organizations and their environments.

Factors Influencing Organizational Behavior

The factors influencing organizational behavior can be divided into three categories: The company’s culture, the organization’s structure, and the individual’s personality.

Some of the other Factors that May Influence Organizational Behavior are:

  • The work environment
  • Leadership styles
  • Staffing and training
  • Motivation and rewards.

All these factors are linked to one another and have different impacts on organizational behavior. But today, we will only focus on the study of how organizational structure influences organizational behavior.

How Organizational Structure Influences Organizational Behavior

Organizational behavior refers to the way in which people behave within an organization or company. Some behaviors are good for productivity while some are not so good for productivity and need to be avoided at all costs.

1) Organizational structure is a key component of organizational behavior. It shapes how employees interact with one another, what jobs they perform, how they are compensated for their work, and more.

2) The shape of an organization’s structure has a significant impact on the way that people communicate and interact with each other. For example, an organization can be structured so that it is hierarchical or flat, depending on the level of authority that managers have over their subordinates.

The organizational structure of an organization influences the behavior of its members in many ways. For example, if the organization is hierarchical, there will be a clear chain of command and employees will be expected to follow it. If the organization is flat, there will be less barriers to communication and more collaboration.

Impacts of Hierarchical Organizational Structure on Organizational Behavior

A hierarchical organizational structure is a type of organizational structure where the employees are grouped by rank and title. This type of organizational structure is also known as a pyramidal organization.

  • This type of organizational structure can be beneficial for organizations because it allows for clear lines of communication and it maximizes efficiency when making decisions.

However, this type of organizational structure can also be detrimental to an organization because it may lead to a lack of creativity, low morale, and negative attitudes.

Impacts of Functional Organizational Structure on Organizational Behavior

The functional organizational structure is a type of organization that is based on specialization, where the company divides into different departments.

The benefits of this type of structure are that it creates clear and specific roles for employees to fulfill and it provides a better way to organize tasks. However, this type of organization may not be as effective when it comes to innovation or creativity because there is no cross-departmental interaction between people with different skillsets.

Impacts of Horizontal or Flat Organizational Structure on Organizational Behavior

Horizontal organizational structures work best in environments where there is a lot of change and employees need to be able to adapt quickly. In this structure, employees have more autonomy over what they do and how they do it since there is no strict hierarchy.

  • Horizontal organizational structures are more democratic and inclusive, but they are often criticized for causing a lack of focus and direction.
  • Horizontal organizational structures are used to promote teamwork and collaboration. They are also used to increase the speed at which decisions are made, while reducing the number of levels in an organization.

Some argue that the horizontal structure is wrong because it does not have a clear hierarchy. This can lead to confusion about who is responsible for what. However, the horizontal structure can also be seen as a way to create an environment where everyone’s voice is heard and valued equally.

In a horizontal organizational structure, there is no strict hierarchy or chain of command. This means that the only person who can give orders is the CEO or top leader of the company. Employees have more autonomy over what they do and how they do it since there is no strict hierarchy.

Which is the Best Organizational Structure

Organization structure is the way in which a company is organized. It can be hierarchical, where there are many levels of management with different management functions and employees work as a team. Or it can be flat, where there are fewer levels of management and employees work independently.

There are many different types of organizational structures that can be used in an organization. The type of structure that is used in an organization will depend on what the goals are for that particular company.

  • Some structures are more efficient than others depending on what type of work needs to be done or what type of environment they need to create for their employees.
  • For example, an organization with a lot of people working remotely might find it better to have a hierarchical organizational structure to make sure that everything is being managed properly.

Orthogonal structures are also often found in organizations with a strong division between different departments or business units. These structures are often set up to allow managers to focus on one area without being distracted by other areas of responsibility.

Impacts of organizational structure on organization performance

Organizational structure impacts the performance of an organization in a number of ways. First, it affects the level of specialization that is possible within a company. Second, it can determine how much control employees have over their own work. Third, it can affect how well the company is able to adapt to changes in its environment.

Organizational structures also impact performance by affecting the level of communication within a company. The higher the number of levels in an organizational structure, the more people there are who need to communicate with each other and coordinate their work activities.

So, this is how organizational structure influences organizational behavior. The structure of an organization has a significant influence on the behavior of its members. It also influences the communication between employees in the company, their feelings about their work, and how they feel about other people working in the company.

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